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Little Sutton English Hub home page Little Sutton English Hub home page
  • “The support we have received has changed our school for the better and we intend to keep moving forward…” – George Dixon Primary School
  • “Thank you for all your support and continuing CPD for schools.” – Bilton Infant School
  • “Thank you so much for all your help and support, it has been super!” – Queen Victoria Primary School
  • “Excited about introducing a new SSP and about the impact this will have on our children.” – St Michael’s Primary School
  • “It has been a lovely journey and I am so proud of all the staff and pupils.” – George Dixon Primary School

Stakeholder Training and Events

Open this PDF to see Warwickshire Schools Library Service Training Courses and Events



Funding update for the National Professional Qualification for Leading Literacy (NPQLL):

Below are the recently published details of the Department for Education's scholarship criteria for the autumn 2024 National Professional Qualification (NPQ) cohort. 


In summary: 


  • Scholarships for the majority of NPQs, including the NPQ for Leading Literacy, will now be targeted at those teachers and leaders working in the most challenging schools, and other settings, serving more disadvantaged communities. 
  • In practice, this will mean the top 50% of schools as defined by the proportion of students that attract pupil premium funding. 
  • Comparative disadvantage criteria will be applied to both Further Education and Early Years settings. 
  • Scholarships are in place to all teachers and leaders from state-funded schools and settings for the following NPQs: 

o   NPQ for Headship 

o   Early Headship Coaching Offer (EHCO) 

o   NPQ in Leading Primary Mathematics 

o   NPQ for SENCOs 


Further details can be found on GOV.UK. 



Little Sutton English Hub home page

Little Sutton English Hub
Little Sutton Primary School
Worcester Lane
Sutton Coldfield, B75 5NL

Contact: Janet Conway
0121 464 4494
Twitter: @lsenglishhub